# Listing free videos

Listing videos is usually the beginning of every user journey in our system, and will most likely be the most useful query. We allow you to list top videos (by date or popular), search videos, or show all videos in a category or a collection.

# List videos

In order to list a general list of top videos, all you need to do is query this endpoint:

GET /videos

# Parameters

Param Description
page Page number. Number. Default: 0
page_size Number of videos per page. Number. Default: 20
query Search videos by query. String. Default: '', see a note below
sort How to sort videos. String. Valid values: date, popular. Default: popular
urls Add urls property in the response. Boolean. Default: false

# Response

  "page": 0,
  "pages": 50,
  "page_size": 20,
  "total": 3602,
  "hits": [
      "id": "S1YbPl1NfI",
      "created_at": "2020-11-12T08:55:42.710Z",
      "updated_at": "2020-11-12T08:55:42.710Z",
      "title": "Cutting Wood Building Material With a Circular Electric Saw",
      "poster": "https://storage.coverr.co/p/QatsCWWAorI71sZ33DkHZREGWruZCHsg",
      "thumbnail": "https://storage.coverr.co/t/QatsCWWAorI71sZ33DkHZREGWruZCHsg",
      "description": "A close-up of the circular miter saw lowers and cuts off material",
      "is_vertical": false,
      "tags": [
        "circular saw",
        "miter saw",
      "downloads": 4,
      "views": 1,
      "published_at": "2020-11-15T09:27:18.578Z",
      "aspect_ratio": "16:9",
      "duration": 11.625,
      "max_height": 1152,
      "max_width": 2048,
      "urls": {
        "mp4": "https://storage.coverr.co/videos/QatsCWWAorI71sZ33DkHZREGWruZCHsg?token={token}",
        "mp4_preview": "https://storage.coverr.co/videos/QatsCWWAorI71sZ33DkHZREGWruZCHsg/preview?token={token}",
        "mp4_download": "https://storage.coverr.co/videos/QatsCWWAorI71sZ33DkHZREGWruZCHsg/download?token={token}&filename=Cutting Wood Building Material With a Circular Electric Saw"

# Search videos

Although getting a random list of videos is fun, it's kind of useless in most instances. Search is undoubtedly the most common API query and you'll probably use it extensively throughout the integration.

Search is simply done by adding the query parameter to videos endpoint:

GET /videos?query={search term goes here}

Nice, so we have a list of videos, but how can we get a single video’s details? We like how you think! Read on for all the answers to your burning questions.

# Get a video

Get a single video by id:

GET /videos/:id

# Parameters

Param Description
id Video id

# Response

  "id": "S1YbPl1NfI",
  "created_at": "2020-11-12T08:55:42.710Z",
  "updated_at": "2020-11-12T08:55:42.710Z",
  "title": "Cutting Wood Building Material With a Circular Electric Saw",
  "poster": "https://storage.coverr.co/p/QatsCWWAorI71sZ33DkHZREGWruZCHsg",
  "thumbnail": "https://storage.coverr.co/t/QatsCWWAorI71sZ33DkHZREGWruZCHsg",
  "description": "A close-up of the circular miter saw lowers and cuts off material",
  "is_vertical": false,
  "tags": [
    "circular saw",
    "miter saw",
  "downloads": 4,
  "views": 1,
  "published_at": "2020-11-15T09:27:18.578Z",
  "aspect_ratio": "16:9",
  "duration": 11.625,
  "max_height": 1152,
  "max_width": 2048,
  "urls": {
    "mp4": "",
    "mp4_preview": "",
    "mp4_download": ""

# Download a video

To download a video you can use the url from the mp4_download field on the urls object. This will return the same mp4 file but with an additional Content-Disposition http response header that will indicate that the content is expected to be downloaded and saved locally and the browser won't try to inline it. In this case no additional action is required.

However, in most use cases you'd want your app users to view the video prior to downloading it, right? Therefore, at the point of the download event, you should already have the video file on hand. Or you just "select" a video in your app to be hotlinked later, for example as your website's main video.

In such cases, all we ask is for you to ping the download url so we can register in our stats that this video was indeed downloaded and not just viewed.

PATCH /videos/:id/stats/downloads

# Parameters

Param Description
id Video id

# Response

204 No Content

Notice:pinging the mp4_download is a MUST and not optional since it really improves our feedback loop and guides future content creation and video popularity rankings. We will periodically check partner's implementation to verify this is implemented as expected.

# Video signed urls

By default video urls are not returned in videos list response (search, top videos, category videos, etc.). However, we understand that in some cases user experience and efficiency requires having the video file available when fetching a list (usually when you want to give your user preview ability, on, say, hover). To get video with urls please provide the additional query parameter urls=true like so:

GET /videos?urls=true

The example above will return a list of videos with urls object on every video in the list.

But when getting a single video, urls always will be present.

The urls object has the following values:

 "mp4": "string",
 "mp4_preview": "string",
 "mp4_download": "string"

The values in the fields above are signed urls with jwt token. This token is without time expiration, but it is associated with your API_KEY. There’s no explicit limitations with that, but keep it in mind when hotlinking the videos!

The names are self-explanatory and also there is a note on mp4_download above.

We would only note that the mp4_preview url returns low resolution video files and helps us better understand when a video file was requested to actually be viewed rather than viewed as a thumbnail (e.g. videos grid).

COMING SOON: We will add two more links to the mp4 key so you’ll be able to fetch a specific resolution (low, medium, high) and decide which version fits your app and user experience best.

# Coming soon

We will add two more links to the mp4 key so you’ll be able to fetch a specific resolution (low, medium, high) and decide which version fits your app and user experience best.